Tomaree Sports Complex

EJE worked in conjunction with Port Stephens Council to develop Tomaree Sports Complex – an existing sporting precinct that provides the local community with multi code sporting grounds centrally located for Nelson Bay and surrounding suburbs. The brief from Council was to allow for future development across the site with our focus being stage 1 of the redevelopment – the Central Sports facility Building for the complex.

The building design is broken into 3 distinct zones, the central hub, amenities building and a community building. The result is a multi functional, robust facility that can cater to over 1000 people during large events, yet still serve the needs of the local community.

The facility includes amenities, changerooms, a kiosk, bbq area and a multipurpose space that overlooks the surrounding fields. The Spantech roof floats over the two robust built forms, linked by an expansive breezeway perfect for all weather conditions.